Creative lessons schedule for May/June school holidays is ready for download. Please see NEWS for more info.

During this May/June school holidays, do you wish that your kids can enhance their creativity by attending creative lessons which will help them achieve better results in their school work and be useful for their future? NeuroFlash's Creative Cultivation Laboratory has planned a full programme of creative workshops, learning courses and special programmes for your children. Please click here to download the schedule we have planned for your kids..


NeuroFlash Private Limited's own product, the Fuel Cell Exploratory Kit is available now. For more information please click on the ANNOUNCEMENT link. If you wish to purchase a set, please go to the shopping cart by clicking on the PRODUCTS link.


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13 Feb 2025

NeuroFlash Private Limited started out as an educational services Company providing holistic, creative and multi-sensory workshops, courses and programmes to primary and secondary school students. We have since grown into a knowledge-based Company providing the following services:

  1. Education services: NeuroFlash's Creative Cultivation Laboratory provides students of different levels from pre-school to secondary school the opportunity to expose themselves to creative and multi-sensory learning in areas such as robotics, maths, science and technology, including fuel cells. We also conduct workshops on specialised topics such as fuel cells and robotics for ITE, junior colleges and tertiary institutions.
  2. Educational products: We carry educational products in the areas of Mathematics, Science and Technology ranging from creative posters, simple model making to more complex models like robots. We also carry electrical and electronic kits. Our customers include individuals, schools and re-sellers.
  3. Engineering services and consultation: We work on projects with the industry, including government organisations, in the areas of mechatronics, automation and fuel cells. We have engineers with Ph.D and Masters degrees with 15 years working experience in the area of automation and mechatronics.
  4. Fuel cell products: We have a Division selling renewable energy products such as fuel cells and solar panels and their accessories to the industry, schools, tertiary institutions, research institutes, research centres as well as individuals. This Division, Fuel Cell Hub, carries fuel cell products from various countries like United States, Germany and China, and, of course, our very own fuel cell educational products. We carry industrial products such as fuel cell stacks and systems, fuel cell test and manufacturing machines and hydrogen storage solutions as well as educational products to teach students all about fuel cells.

visitors since 16 January 2006
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