A 98 page photocopiable teacher resource book packed with information based around the planets. A brief description is given about the planets in our solar system and then a set of comprehension exercises check understanding. An invaluable aid to learning about the Earth in Space. Size: A4
Optical Illusions are fascinating and have a captivating effect on children and adults alike. Contained in this A4 pad are a range of experiments printed on card to colour and make up. Examples include designing a Phenakistroscope, a Zoetrope and Crinkle Pictures. Photocopy free to the purchasing establishment. For ages 7 - 12 years. 12 x A4 pages
Optical Illusions are fascinating and have a captivating effect on children and adults alike. Contained in this A4 pad are a range of experiments printed on card to colour and make up. Examples include designing a Phenakistroscope, a Zoetrope and Crinkle Pictures. Photocopy free to the purchasing establishment.
For ages 7 - 12 years.
12 x A4 pages
Learning chart (590 x 420mm) with a picture of human torso and repositionable ’static cling’ components of the major human organs including the liver, the heart, the brain, the intestine, the kidneys, the lungs, the stomach and the bladder. Pupils are asked to place the organs in their correct positions within the torso, where they can be labelled. On the rear of the poster the torso has ’call outs’ with the labelling complete. Comes with key to parts and information sheet.
A complete set of 10 posters showing the Sun and planets. Each planet is pictured at its correct relative scale, so size and distance comparisons can be made. In addition each poster includes details covering characteristics of the planet shown.
Five colourful gaint (560mm x 760mm) glossy wall charts providing an inside look at the human body. Each poster reveals a wealth of information about a different body system. On the rear of each poster are four photocopy free worksheets providing tasks to enhance the learning process.