A detailed guide highlighting where ROBOLAB and the LEGO solution can be used to fulfil the Key Stage 3 strategy. This book has been written by Stephen Bunce, a Key Stage 3 Consultant for Northumberland LEA. He has used the ROBOLAB equipment to successfully demonstrate how it fulfils the requirements for control in Key Stage 3, as well a being a valuable tool for school clubs and Gifted and Talented pupils. This book provides sample teaching lessons for the Strategy as well as guides on how to use the LEGO Mindstorms for Schools product. A CD is included.
Features of the Book
Lesson plans for the KS3 Strategy units 7.6, 8.5 and 9.1
User guide for ROBOLAB pilot and inventor levels
Example programming
Using the LEGO camera
Included on the CD
An electronic version of the guide
Sample programs
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